Published on October 20, 2003 By WatchDog In Skinning
I get the following errors when I install DesktopX v1.99u[b].003:
Download: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral\temp\Base\Presets\Preset2.state_
Result: Skipped (already exists)
Download: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral\temp\Base\SDPlugins\DXAxHost.dl_
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 1). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 2). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 3). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Result: Failed (attempt 1)
Download: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral\temp\Base\SDPlugins\DXAxHost.dl_
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 1). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 2). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 3). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Result: Failed (attempt 2)
Download: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral\temp\Base\SDPlugins\DXAxHost.dl_
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 1). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 2). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Error: Invalid chunk data (47283 : 47260). Redownloading chunk 131072 (attempt 3). Request header: Range: bytes=131073-
Result: Failed (incorrect file size)
Installation aborted (failed)


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on Oct 20, 2003
v1.99u[b].003. Where did you get that version from?

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on Oct 20, 2003
It is the version available on Stardock Central (if you have "Show Pre-Release Versions" checked.) It was posted today (10/20/03).

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on Oct 20, 2003
Refresh app data and look again....

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on Oct 20, 2003
WatchDog - Just came up...will try it and see if mine works

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on Oct 20, 2003
Install worked perfect....

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